Monday, February 20, 2006

Rocketboom Anti-God?

she didn't say under god. she said the pledge but she didn't say under god. did she forget? or is she one of those people?!
feb. 20.
no under god.!!!



feedscott said...

Ya,I noticed that to, it was emphasized and not very natural. I think it was done for comedic shock value, but who knows?

Anonymous said...

She was throwin' it down Old School. Because, you know, the original Pledge didn't have "under God" in it -- that was courtesy of McCarthy-era Rethuglicans.

Matt said...

Actually, it was the Knights of Columbus (the Catholics) operating through a Michigan senator who pushed it through Congress is 1953 (60 years or so after the pledge was first written). Interestingly, the founding fathers were adamantly against the idea of pledging allegiance to arbitrary symbols -- like crowns or crosses or crucifixes or flags.

Masonic symbols, however, they did not find so arbitrary.

Anonymous said...

A *Republican* senator from Michigan, just for the record...

Matt said...

No, I would respect "dirty republican", as well as "ratbastard republican", "evil republican", or just plain "fucko".